Hope Social Union for the Visually Impaired

OUR MOTTO: “Love, Unity, Equality and Transparency”


Hope Social Union for the Visually Impaired with the acronym HSUVI was founded on February 23 2003 by a group of dynamic persons with visual impairments and legalized by the Cameroon government in 2004 (Reg No: 0071/E.29/1111/Vol.8/APPB) and is currently at 80 persons with visual impairments, a third of whom are women and children.

HSUVI Bamenda as fondly called is a visually impaired-oriented, self-advocacy, and non-profit-making association. The headquarters of the association is located in Bamenda,  which is the center of the region and plays host to a majority of Persons with Visual Impairments (PVIs)emerging from the multiple ethnic groups of the North West Region of Cameroon and beyond.

Our Constitution

  • The bearers of this vision, persons leaving with visual impairments in the North West Region of Cameroon and particularly those resident in the metropolis of Bamenda and its environs, strongly believe that to defend a just course, this should be championed by the appropriate persons themselves “charity begins at home.” This explains why on the 23rd of February 2003 the founding fathers of this bona fide association conglomerated at Fish Pond Hill Bamenda and came out with this august and representative association; this in compliance with the 1990 Liberty Laws. That is Law – 90/053 of 19th December 1990 relating to freedom of associations. In order to meet up with the growing aspirations of the group, on the 22nd of February 2016 the February 2003 constitution witnessed its pioneer amendment and followed by a second amendment on the 25th of April 2021.


  • 1.1 Name:
    Hope Social Union for the Visually Impaired (HSUVI); it is a visually impaired oriented, self-advocacy,and a non-profit-making association.
    1.2 Seat/Jurisdiction:
    The headquarters of the association shall be located in Bamenda, the centre of the region which plays host to a majority of Persons with Visual Impairments (PVIs)emerging from the multiple ethnic groups of the North West Region and beyond. As the means and needs may arise, HSUVI branches shall be progressively created at divisional, sub divisional and/or village levels; until it shall reach out to all the nooks and crannies of the region.
    N.B.: exceptionally, a branch or branches could be created out of the region at the behest of some members who had moved to the place of request due to some academic and/or work imperatives; with the obligation to be answerable to the Bamenda main branch. And this would only be granted upon a two-third vote of the Bamenda General Assembly.
    1.3 Logo:
    The logo shall bear the image of a visually impaired woman holding a white-cane on her right-hand plus a certificate on the left-hand.
    1.4 Motto:
    Love, Unity, equality and Transparency.

  • With a mission statement whereby the association seeks to ensure the effective and full inclusion of persons with visual impairments into the sociopolitical-economic domains of the society. Thus, these Endeavours shall facilitate an inclusive co-existence between the visually impaired and the sighted persons in the community; thereby bridging the gap between the two social groups in which the former would be endowed with opportunities to contribute their own quota to nation-building.

  • The bearers of this vision, themselves, persons leaving with visual impairments in Bamenda, strongly believe that to defend a just course, this should be championed by the appropriate persons. Mindful of the fact that visual impairment is a salient disability condition amongst all people with special needs; considering the fact that a visually impaired unlike others obligatorily require extra-ordinary and/or special attention and assistance, etc.; these holistic barons need to unite and work with all and sundry in achieving their goals quite objectively where ever necessary. It is therefore high time the visually impaired took their destiny into their hands.
  • Improving on the quality of life for persons with visual impairments and enhancing the dynamics of inclusion.

Having as goal to improve on the quality of life for persons with visual impairments and enhancing the dynamics of inclusion, HSUVI is embedded in the following objectives to: 

  • Foster unity and love amongst the visually impaired and other persons with disabilities resident within and beyond the region;
  • Educate the general public on the respect for and the implementation of the rights of the visually impaired;
  • Edify members on the need to respect state authorities, involve in political life and to abide with the law as a mechanism for meaningful development;
  • Develop the hidden talents and promote economic and self-development initiatives amongst members
  • Network with individuals, national and international organizations that prioritize the interest and plights of the visually impaired;
  • To empower and boost the spiritual and moral needs of the visually impaired.
    • General Assembly meetings of HSUVI holds every last Sunday of the month at All Saints Bayelle Catholic Mission hall, also the association runs a daily physical office space at Mile 4 Nkwen Bamenda with initial activities like

      HSUVI may have as activities to:
      o Pay encouragement trips to existing associations and centres harbouring the visually impaired and forming new branches where necessary
      o Organize seminars, workshops, conferences, etc in all the venues of socialization; thereby drawing the general public closer to the concerned
      o Get and provide members with the apt legal instruments required to guarantee their communal participation
      o Donate scholarships, grants and loans to enterprising members
      o Set up educational centres and workshops for the academic and employment needs of the visually impaired
      o Market the mission and vision of HSUVI to all and sundry while enforcing accountability to the latter, whereby All collaborations and partnerships with HSUVI shall be developed by an MOU (Memorandum Of Understanding) to be guided by the rules and regulations of the association
      o Fraternize one another for the love of God and ones neighbour


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  1. Write a check payable to "HSUVI"
  2. On the memo line of the check, indicate that the donation is for "HSUVI"
  3. Mail your check to:


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Donation Total: $100

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