
Empowering HSUVI Women: Achieve Digital Autonomy Today

Free Smartphone Training for the Blind and Partially Sighted

HSUVI Bamenda Empowers Visually Impaired Women with Smartphone Training in Collaboration with ICDR

The Hope Social Union for the Visually Impaired (HSUVI) Bamenda, in partnership with the International Centre for Disability and Rehabilitation (ICDR) Cameroon group at the University of Toronto Canada, successfully concluded its DEPVI (Digital Empowerment of Persons with Visual Impairments) program.

This 10-week training program aimed to equip 20 visually impaired individuals (12 women and 8 men) with the technological skills needed to use smartphones effectively in their daily lives. Participants learned about basic smartphone functionalities, communication tools, and accessibility features, leading to improved social inclusion and quality of life.

The program culminated in a closing ceremony on Saturday, April 6, 2024. All 20 participants, especially the four outstanding women who received free smartphones, expressed their gratitude to HSUVI Bamenda Cameroon, ICDR Canada, and the dedicated trainers.

Bah Irene, a smartphone recipient and representative of the female trainees, highlighted the invaluable knowledge and tools gained through the program, allowing them to access technology they previously thought unattainable.

Ayeah Ashbel, representing the male participants, echoed these sentiments and expressed the importance of the training for all involved. He emphasized the need for future programs to consider providing smartphones to underprivileged male participants as well.

Following the program’s completion, the trainees committed to continuing their learning through individual informal training sessions. This ongoing effort demonstrates their dedication to harnessing the power of technology for a more empowered future.

This successful program showcases HSUVI Bamenda’s commitment to providing visually impaired individuals with the skills and resources needed to fully engage in the digital world.

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