


27-year-old Egbe Zacharia is a second year master’s student of the University of Bamenda in English Private Law. As a person with visual impairment, he makes use of Braille for his notes taking, Continuous Assessments and exams. He says a packet of 100-sheet Braille papers costing about 3000 FCFA will last him only for two weeks. Also for purpose of security, Egbe intimated

“I live close to school and have to pay house rents at a high rate, so as to evade harassment from faceless non-state armed groups who all through the 7 years protracted Anglophone Cameroon war have been opposed to the resumption of schools especially government institutions”.

Outside the need for nourishment, he has a great need for special ICT equipment adapted to suit his disability, in other to facilitate effective learning. Egbe Zacharia is just one amongst many blind students with similar needs and even more.

It is on this backdrop that the Foundation for United Handicaps, Orphans and Street Children in Cameroon (FUHOSEA Cameroon) has extended her benevolence to 33 students with visual impairments, up from the originally targeted 21 students.

This according to Mr. Ngong Peter Tonain, President of Hope Social Union for the Visually Impaired (HSUVI) is clear prove of the dire situation of students with disabilities especially in the conflict plagued Anglophone regions of Cameroon. Worthy to note is the fact that beneficiaries of this philanthropic gesture from FUHOSEA Cameroon and sponsors were drawn from multiple institutions of learning within the North West Region.

Speaking at the head office of HSUVI in mile 4 Nkwen, the team leader for FUHOSEA Cameroon, MR. Bah Garlus Bah was pleased to hand over the consignment of Braille papers and some financial packages to the beneficiaries, out of the limited resources of his 18 years old organization which has had a fair share of its ordeals owing to the Anglophone Cameroon imbroglio.

“My organization which has as main areas of intervention; inclusive education and economic empowerment believes in creating impact in the lives of those in need and we think this philosophical ideology should go viral” Mr. Bah averted.

From the president of HSUVI to the representative of the North West regional Delegate of Social Affairs who doubles as the Mezam divisional Delegate for the same ministry, Mr. Kwende Clif, excitement was palpable on the faces of all who took to the rostrum. While urging all the 33 recipients to make absolute use of the back-to-school gifts as HSUVI and the delegation of Social Affairs are going to ensure a thorough follow-up for feedback reporting to the donors, the call was also made for beneficiaries who are members of no organization for persons with disabilities to jettison such isolationist practices and embrace the sense of belonging if they intend enjoying such benefits and many more.

Just like Egbe Zacharia, Moki Mildred a student of Braille literacy and adapted ICT’s at the HSUVI head office expressed profound gratitude to their “FUHOSEA father Christmas,” promising ground breaking academic realizations that will in the nearest future immortalize the event of Wednesday October 18 2023.

From the faces of all who attended the event, one could deduce that tribal elites, politicians, cultural forums and philanthropists have quite much to learn from FUHOSEA Cameroon, in so far as the inclusion of students with disabilities in to scholarship scheme are concerned.
As for whether or not the lesson is well imbibed, I express my humble opinion borrowing the words of a famous author: “Ask no questions and you will be told no lies.”

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Tonain Tonain

October 26, 2023

Thank FUHOSEA Cameroon and donors for putting smiles on the faces ofn pupils/students in the North West Region of Cameroon.
